Screening for cancer content
Finding cancer early when it's easier to treat
In Yorkshire, 5 out of 10 cancers are found at a late stage when it can be harder to treat. The aim of screening is to find cancer before you even know it’s there, offering the very best chance of successful treatment.
1 in 2 cancers
are diagnosed at stage 3 or 4 in Yorkshire
3 in 10 people in Yorkshire
do not take part in screening when invited
1 in 5 cancers
in Yorkshire are diagnosed through an emergency route, which is often associated with poor outcomes
There are currently three national cancer screening programmes, for bowel, breast and cervical cancer
Researching new ways to detect bladder cancer
An innovative new research trial involving 6000 people is investigating the use of home self-testing kits for the early detection of bladder cancer.

Pioneering lung cancer screening
Lung cancer is the most common cancer in Yorkshire causing 3000 deaths here each year, more than any other cancer. 1 in 2 lung cancers is diagnosed at Stage 4 when treatment can be more limited and survival rates are lower. Yorkshire Cancer Research has been pioneering a new service to help detect lung cancer early, when it’s easier to treat.