Helping Yorkshire to become smokefree content
Helping people quit for good
Smoking rates in Yorkshire are steadily decreasing, but despite this, nearly half a million people still smoke in our region. Every week in Yorkshire, 90 people are diagnosed with a cancer caused by smoking and sadly, 60 people in the region lose their lives.
Yorkshire Cancer Research funds £2 million of stop smoking services in the region to help support those who are looking to quit smoking for good - including a free support service. Between April 2022 and March 2023, more than 1,400 people successfully quit smoking thanks to services funded by Yorkshire Cancer Research. For many people, the specialist support has been the help they needed to give up cigarettes for good.
But there’s still a long way to go.

About vaping
Alongside behavioural support and licensed stop smoking aids, we believe that vaping products have a significant role to play in reducing the harm from tobacco, supporting people who smoke to quit and thus improving public health.

Anthony's experience
The Yorkshire Stop Smoking Study is helping hundreds of people to quit smoking by offering expert behavioural support. Anthony, decided to quit smoking in April 2021, and has been commited to staying off tobacco cigarettes ever since.
"I first started smoking when I was 11, and throughout my life I’ve probably smoked for a total of 40 years. I’m getting older, and I really enjoy gardening and going for long walks, as well as working long hours, and I found that I was getting out of breath really easily.
"I think having a phone call every week with the stop smoking advisor definitely helped stop me going back to cigarettes. Having that support and being able to say ‘no, I still haven’t smoked’ was a really great feeling. It definitely got me through those critical first few weeks.”

Facts about smoking in Yorkshire
every week in Yorkshire 90 people are diagnosed with a cancer caused by smoking
April 2022 and March 2023, more than 1,400 people successfully quit smoking thanks to services funded by Yorkshire Cancer Research
£2 million
Yorkshire Cancer Research funds £2 million of stop smoking services in the region
Steve's experience - Tobacco treatment advisor
Steve Jones is a Tobacco Treatment Advisor and works as part of the QUIT programme, a stop smoking service funded by the charity.
The programme works with hospital patients who smoke across South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw, offering them access to treatments and support as part of their care.
“It’s an amazing feeling to help someone quit smoking after they’ve been trying for years and years.”
Find out more about how Steve and the team of Tobacco Treatment Advisors are supporting people in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw as they cut out cigarettes for good.

Stop smoking insights
Vaping Demystified
Our 'Vaping Demystified' investigative film tackles the myths and misconceptions surrounding vaping and provides smokers with the information needed to make an informed decision about using vape products as a means to stop smoking.