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Improving radiotherapy for lung cancer
Radiotherapy treatment for lung cancer can sometimes damage the heart. Researchers at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust have joined forces with The University of…
University of Manchester
POINTER-PC: Enhancing radiotherapy for prostate cancer
A different way of treating people with prostate cancer is being investigated by researchers at the University of Leeds.
Led by Dr Ann Henry, a £1.1 million trial…
University of Leeds
CAPTURE: Cancer pain-assessment toolkit
This trial will investigate whether an existing pain assessment tool can be successfully adapted and introduced into oncology outpatient services across Yorkshire.…
University of Leeds
Improving surgical outcomes for bowel cancer
A randomised placebo-controlled phase III trial of the effect of the omega-3 fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) on colorectal cancer recurrence and survival…
University of Leeds

Development of a Palliative Care Outcomes Registry
Asking individuals affected by cancer to report their symptoms and concerns, and how these change over time, is important in helping to improve their wellbeing and…
University of Hull

Incorporating the patient voice into quality improvement for cancer diagnosis in primary care
Significant Event Audit (SEA) is a method that GPs and primary care teams use to try and improve the quality of care that they provide.
University of Hull

Experiences of diagnostic pathways and cancer care during the COVID-19-pandemic
The lockdown and NHS reshuffle needed to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic had a big impact on cancer care.
University of Hull

Improving shared decision making in malignant bowel obstruction
An exploration of context-specific treatment pathways and experiences to inform intervention development for person-centred care
University of Hull

The Yorkshire Cancer Research bladder cancer patient reported outcomes survey
Bladder cancer is a common disease with worse outcomes in Yorkshire than the rest of the UK.
This research programme will develop a tool to assess patient reported…
University Of Sheffield

PREHABS: Improving support for lung cancer patients
Recent advances in radiotherapy have resulted in an increased number of patients that can be cured of lung cancer. Increasingly, patients are surviving their lung…
University of Leeds

Using enhanced imaging to improve lung cancer patient treatment options
This is a new Yorkshire Cancer Research funded study at the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals which will assess when novel medical images are…
University Of Sheffield