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PROTECT-C - genetic screening
One in every 20 cancers in women are caused by genetic defects that are passed down through families and are potentially preventable. However, 97% of women with…
Queen Mary University of London
Active Together
Active Together is a pioneering service developed by world-leading academics and clinicians at Sheffield Hallam University’s Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre…
Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Yorkshire Stop Smoking Study
The Yorkshire Stop Smoking Study tests whether people can be encouraged to stop smoking by giving them pictures from their own lung scans, showing possible lung and…
University of Nottingham, University of Leeds
Leeds Lung Health Check
The Leeds Lung Health Check is a major charity research project, an £8 million investment in a mobile screening unit which travels the city providing convenient…
University of Leeds

Improving radiotherapy for lung cancer
Radiotherapy treatment for lung cancer can sometimes damage the heart. Researchers at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust have joined forces with The University of…
University of Manchester
POINTER-PC: Enhancing radiotherapy for prostate cancer
A different way of treating people with prostate cancer is being investigated by researchers at the University of Leeds.
Led by Dr Ann Henry, a £1.1 million trial…
University of Leeds
CANfit - Exercise to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence
A groundbreaking clinical trial will test the benefits of personalised exercise programmes for people with three types of cancer.The CANfit study, led by the…
Hull York Medical School
ABACus: Awareness and beliefs about cancer
A health check project designed to test ways to improve cancer symptom awareness and help-seeking in Yorkshire’s deprived communities was completed in December…
Cardiff University
CAPTURE: Cancer pain-assessment toolkit
This trial will investigate whether an existing pain assessment tool can be successfully adapted and introduced into oncology outpatient services across Yorkshire.…
University of Leeds
QUIT Programme
The QUIT Programme is a new initiative which will transform the way tobacco addiction is tackled in our hospitals, offering patients who smoke access to effective…
South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System
RURALLY: Investigating the response to cancer symptoms in rural areas
More than 85% of Yorkshire is rural and some of these areas have significantly higher rates of cancer when compared to England. Rural populations in the UK often…
Newcastle University